Wednesday, October 30, 2019

FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

FINAL EXAM - Essay Example eration of the position of climate, which can be statistically determined through mean, variation and duration of occurrence, qualifies as a climate change. One of the major discoveries for the cause of climate change concerns the human activity, which produce immoderate greenhouse gas. One of the major producers of such excessive gas is corporation, usually in the field of production. Hence, to rectify this major issue and evacuate their names form the list of greenhouse gas producers, companies started signing Kyoto Treaty, which incline these companies to work towards greenhouse gas reduction, where some firms vowed to reduce this gas by one percent and others were more determined changing the percent to 25 (Hoffman, 2005, pg. 21 & 22). In relation to the mentioned article by Hoffman and other resources, this paper will discuss about the current and possible threats and opportunities fabricated by the climate change for food making companies and suggestions about climate change st rategies. As the introduction has cleared out any misgivings that one might have regarding climate change being a scientific curiosity, it is obvious that the threat which this issue poses concerns the food manufacturing company, not only in food producing process but all those things that make up this organization. Hoffman in his article claims that even in food making companies climate change creates havoc by damaging the building, areas and factories in forms of flood, hurricanes or draughts, this in turn leads to heavy financial losses. Not only has this, but research (Goldenberg, 2014) concluded that around 81% of businesses fear that climate change will burden them with heavy losses. Furthermore, scientist have been giving warning about the advanced negative impact of climate change, which could be seen in the contemporary times where floods have given birth to raw food scarcity, meaning that companies like our own is in dire situation if the food supply flops down. This similar

Monday, October 28, 2019

What Matters in Time Essay Example for Free

What Matters in Time Essay Im never gonna do that again . . . . During my work as a staff nurse, any time I heard one of the patients going through detox make this vow, I would cringe and think: Sure, you will. You all do. Its just a matter of time. I dont know why you even bother going through detox. Its a waste of time and money. You just need to stop doing whatever youve been doing and just stop drinking. Its plain and simple. Just quit drinking. Those thoughts, however, occured prior to my attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course. While attending this seminar, the more I learned about detox from alcohol, the more I began to assess my faulty thinking regarding individuals who, for whatever reasons, seemed incapable or unwilling to change their destructive drinking patterns. Most of the people I worked with, I felt, were not at the ideal point I heard about during this training, where they wanted to change and/or stop drinking. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41) Those I encountered in my work at an acute medical ward had usually been admitted wiith high alcohol intake. Most of the time, my feelings toward them were ambivalent. During the time they were in my care, withdrawing from alcohol on Benzodiazepins-Chordiazepoxide, I treated them without empathy. I felt I knew each of these patients, even before I heard their story or studied their chart. Even though I didnt consider myself to be at the point I was void of any feelings toward these individuals, nevertheless, I made a point to keep a safe emotional distance from them. In a sense, my feelings were numbed as I repeatedly watched what I perceived to be a merry-go-round of their self-inflicted madness. In my mind, these individuals needed something more than what they were receiving from the detox program. More often than not, I found myself thinking disparaging thoughts, as I watched those struggling through planned detoxifications, alongside others unwillingly commited to the detox program. In planned detoxifications, I learned during training, individuals are more likely to succeed with maintinaing sobriety, if they want to discontinue drinking. During an immenent need to detox, however, when someone is hospitalized or has been arrested and/or locked up to begin serving a prison sentence, when alcohol detoxification may or may not be pre-planned, if the person does not want to change, success is less likely. A second detox scenario occurs when individuals enter a residential treatment program. At this time, alcohol detoxification is considered routine. A third type detoxification tranpires at times, following a period of sobriety, in order for a person to restablaize. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41) Toms detox, I felt, represented the third kind. Prior to detox training, my feelings of frustration intensifired whenever I would work with some of the repeat detoxers like Tom*, an old man in his early forties. I had watched Tom go through the same detox scenario four times during the past two years. Tom sometimes became so confused he would forget where he was and try to leave the unit. I have to go home now. My wife wants me to cook lunch for her today. Its her birthday. Tom told me one day right before his evening meal. I knew Toms wife had left him several years ago. Later, I had to stop him when he tried to walk out the door behind one of the orderlies. No, Tom, you cant leave here yet. Youve only been in detos two days, I said. You have to remain here at least another 5 days. Attending this course helped me understand that like Toms, a patients confusion during detox is normal. Individuals detoxing, one speaker stressed, may display symptoms from anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, and with increasing severity, hallucinations . . . to the terrors of delirium tremens in which orientation in time, place and person is lost, and vivid hallucinations are experienced along with clouding of consciousness (akin to dreaming whilst awake). (Petersen Mcbride, 2002, p. 167) Prior to attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course, I did not seriously note that one of the vital reasons detox needs to take place within care of medical personnel as â€Å"detoxing from alcohol can be fatal. Alcohol, para. 2) When alcohol is suddenly taken away from a person who has been abusing it for a long period of time, that persons body experiences reactions which could prove to be deadly. Matrisha*, another patient I became frustrated with during her detox, on the other hand, knew exactly where she was, along with the date and time. She also made a point to repeatedly upset the others in the ward. Recently, when another nurses caught Matrisha riffling through another patients night stand and helping herself to candy, she confronted her. Matrisha, like other detoxing patients at times, became aggressive and violent. Although I tried to understand patients like Tom and Matrisha, however, the merry-go-round these patients seemed to choose to ride didnt make sense. Knowledge I gained while attending the Therapeutic Interventions( Alcohol) Course helped me begin understand concepts contributing to the mirage of difficulties those detoxing regularly experience. The time invested in this learning also helped me begin to see these people as individuals just like me. Even though we may struggle with different scenarios in life, and even though at times, I may not fully understand what those in detox were going through, this training helped me realize I could try to empahatize with them. Instead of building a fence between myself and patients in detox, I could remember a point promoted by one prominent speaker. The success of these centres (sic) depends upon training staff to feel confident about monitoring withdrawal in order to identify those clients who are in need of medical help, and training that enablesstaff quickly to form a helping alliance with clients. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 41- 42) I could also make a point to be one of the staff to take training seriouusly and whenever possible help without cringing. I could also, as AD counselor encourage those going through alcohol detox and treatment, look within myself to see how I could change for the better. Attending the Therapeutic Interventions (Alcohol) Course proved to be more helpful than I anticipated and allowed me to see how I could improve within my self and strengthen my professional and personal skills. As I reflect on things I learned, I understand that I could have listened more to what patents were telling me with their words and actions. I remind myself often that my job as as a staff nurse in detox is to help bring those going through the painful difficult medical, physical, and emotional aspects is vital. Alcohol detox is the first step in the treatment of alcoholism. The recovery of the alcoholic cannot begin until they have undergone alcohol detox. And since alcoholism is a disease that kills, alcohol detox is the first line of defense in saving the patients life. ALCOHOl† para. 1-5; 7) As I work with others to try to help problems drinkers come to a point they are ready to change and realize their life would be better without alcohol, I no longer focus on their past failures. I stive, instead, to be supportive and encourage them to do their best today. (Raistrick, 2004, p. 40) Toady, I no longer cringe when someone tells me, Im never gonna do that again . . .. Nor does something in detox that does not make sense upset me. Some things, I realize, dont have to be completely understood. When I try to understand what it feels like to walk in another persons shoes and look at the world through their eyes, however, that matters. Today, I have more respect for the patients entrusted to my care. I have gained a sense of empathy for their plight. What does matter, I now understand, is that time invested in helping another person, in or out of detox, does matter. *Names of indviduals portrayed in paper have been changed. References ALCOHOL DETOX. retrieved May 5, 2006 from http://www. spencerrecovery. com/alcohol- detox. html. Champney-Smith, J. (2002). Chapter 22 Dual Diagnosis. In Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ) (pp. 267-273). New York: Routledge. Lewis, J. , Williams, S. (2002). Chapter 15 Home Detoxification. In Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice, Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ) (pp. 197-204). New York: Routledge. Petersen, T. Mcbride, A. (Eds. ). (2002). Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge. Raistrick, D. (2004). Chapter 3 Alcohol Withdrawal and Detoxification. In The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems, Heather, N. Stockwell, T. (Eds. ) (pp. 35-48). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Adobe and the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act :: Hackers Hacking Computers Technology Essays

Adobe and the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1. The Background. In July of 2001 a Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov , an employee of ElcomSoft arrived at DefCon9 hacker conference which was held in Alexis Park Hotel in Las Vegas. DefCon conferences were designed for hackers from around the world to meet in Las Vegas and display their skills, while checking the innovations and techniques of other hackers ( ElcomSoft is a privately owned software development company with headquarters in Moscow, Russia which specializes in Password Recovery software, Advanced Disk catalog, Advanced Registry Tracker and E-Book Processing software. (note: the e-book processing software is still advertised on the company's website: Dmitry Sklyarov gave a speech, titled "eBooks security - theory and practice" about ElcomSoft's software which was designed to crack protections on Adobe Systems' eBooks. Here is what the software was doing: "Advanced eBook Inscriber, or simply AEBIN, is a program to convert Sealed eBooks in Microsoft Reader (.LIT) format to Inscribed ones. Sealed eBooks can be created with Microsoft Reader Content SDK (available for free) or various 3rd party tools; AEBIN allows to add any purchaser-specific information (such as purchaser's name or order number) to the Sealed eBook, so that information will be shown on the cover page of the book when it is opened in Microsoft Reader. This reinforces honest usage by consumers." 1. Adobe charged Sklyarov and ElcomSoft with violating a 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act. "The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) was the foundation of an effort by Congress to implement United States treaty obligations and to move the nation's copyright law into the digital age... Key among the topics included in the DMCA are provisions concerning the circumvention of copyright protection systems, fair use in a digital environment, and online service provider (OSP) liability (including details on safe harbors, damages, and "notice and takedown" practices). Resources on these and other topics are included below." 2. (note: while I was opening an Adobe PDF format document with DMCA, my computer froze twice, causing me to loose most of my essay). FBI agents arrested Sklyarov on July 17, 2001 after his presentation and charged with distributing a product designed to circumvent copyright protection measures (the AEBPR) ( He was booked in jail and then released on $50,000 bail, but was not allowed to go back to his family in Russia, or leave United States for that matter.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An Unwinnable War Essay -- American History, The War on Terrorism

As America find herself in today’s â€Å"War on Terrorism,† one can easily find a number of similarities between today’s situation and the war in Vietnam. As the Taliban steadily loses control and power over Afghanistan, it becomes exceedingly important to discuss potential replacement governments. Afghanistan is, like Vietnam in the 50’s and 60’s, a very volatile country full of a variety of people speaking different dialects and practicing different religions. It is very important, then, that the government that is installed is one that is capable of maintaining some type of control or authority over its diverse people. On July 7, 1954, Ngo Dinh Diem came to power as the Prime Minister of South Vietnam (Fishel 107). Diem was backed by the United States as the best man for the job to prevent communism in South Vietnam. The problem is that while â€Å"every foreign power to intervene in Vietnam eventually attempted to install some group of Vietnamese figures to prevent a Communist victory,† many of them failed to consider that by installing a government that continued to exploit and alienate its people, they were driving the population more toward Communism because at least it seemed to be a government for the people (Gettleman 134). Likewise, the U.S. was concerned with its own interest and unfortunately overlooked the interests of the Vietnamese. In the first five or six years of Diem’s reign, the United States was quite pleased with its choice of Diem. Proponents of Diem praised him as an advocate of human rights who worked to uphold a democracy. Others who were not quite as flagrant in their approval simply stated that he was the best man among the limited choices being that he was strongly anti-communist. Many, includin... ...enerals who don’t even command a company. He lives in an ivory tower surrounded by his family† (Behind 150). Diem was also said to have given the Catholic regugees â€Å"preferential treatment in land redistribution, relief and assistance, commercial and export-import licenses, government employment, and other GVN largess† (Buddhist 217). The U.S. constantly pressured Diem to issue land reform in order to win some support from the peasants because, as his American advisors recognized â€Å"an exploited and impoverished peasantry provides fertile soil for communism, as in China; therefore, intelligent land reform, preserving private property and simultaneously creating a new middle class of farmers, is a necessity for ‘free world’ objectives† (Behind 142). This idea plays into the aforementioned assertion that America focused too heavily on their own interests (

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Environmental Degradation Essay

The deterioration of the environment by natural or human forces is known as environmental degradation. Natural happenings like heavy rain, floods, storms, earthquakes, volcanoes etc. are not under human control and they play havoc with environment time to time by making the land unfit lor cultivation. Here man is helpless. He can do nothing except to see the havoc. But when man himself plays a vital role in degrading the environment in which he lives, and then the problem becomes more serious. Needless to say that environmental degradation is one of the major global issues. The overuse of resources is it land or water and the industrialisation process are the major causes of this phenomenon. Man has been felling the tress for his various purposes. He never minds if this process goes on without check it will lead to soil erosion, floods, silting of irrigation canals and cultivated lands, which finally degrade our environment. Our population is increasing fast, which has also degraded the environment to a great extent. Man’s insatiable needs and distress have disturbed the whole environmental equilibrium. The race of armament among countries is no less responsible for this global issue. Apart from these our industries emit smoke and discharge liquids including polluted water. The smoke contains many undesirable gases such as carbon monoxide and sulpher dioxide. All borne particles in solid, liquids and gaseous form. The pollution in atmosphere has tendency to form their layers and sinks in atmosphere. The chlorofluorocarbons which come from aerosol sprays nuclear weapons, refrigerators etc., have caused a hole in the ozone layer of atmosphere. This hole is allowing increased amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching our earth. The above mentioned factors have really degraded the environment and if ways to check it are not applied we will have face serious consequences. We must put an end to our ir satiable needs and desires. There must not be indiscriminate cutting of trees because it will lead to ecological imbalances. Instead, we should know the value of tree plantation and should plant trees as many as we can in our surrounding area. Next, our ever growing population must be checked because it puts an extra burden .on our natural resources. Last but not the least, factories should not be allowed to emit large quantities of harmful effluents into air through their chimneys. They should discharge them into the rivers aid other water bodies because this dirty water can be treated aid recycled to be used again. Our environment must be protected by all means. We must realise the fact that so long environment is there, our life is there. The day, when there is no environment, there will be a complete doom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Education Systems in Hong Kong Essays

Education Systems in Hong Kong Essays Education Systems in Hong Kong Essay Education Systems in Hong Kong Essay Education system in Hong Kong Education system is the system of formalistic transmittal of cognition and values runing within a given society. In Hong Kong, there are twelve old ages of compulsory schooling, six old ages in primary school and six old ages in junior secondary school. This leads to the HKDSE ( Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education ) exams. Students gain entry to a scope of post-secondary, vocational and third classs offered by a assortment of establishments based on the consequences of the HKDSE. The bulk of university classs offered by Hong Kong universities will besides undergo a alteration in construction for pupils graduating with the HKDSE. Cram schools in Hong Kong are called tutorial schools. These cram schools put focal point on the major public scrutinies in Hong Kong, viz. HKDSE, and teach pupils on techniques on replying inquiries in the scrutinies. They besides provide pupils tips on which subjects may look on the coming scrutiny ( called inquiry tipping ) , and supply pupils some sample inquiries that are similar to those that appear in the scrutinies. Some cram school instructors in Hong Kong have become adored and pull many pupils to take their lessons. These instructors are called King of coachs . The instruction system in the district is chiefly focal point on the local public test HKDSE. Students focus on the public test HKDSE since they have to strike for a University Degree. Cram schools in Hong Kong are referred to as Tutorial schools. Harmonizing to Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong, A tierce of secondary school pupils went for private tutoring. The schools focal point on the two major local public scrutinies, viz. HKDSE and Teach pupils the techniques of replying inquiries in the scrutinies, every bit good as supplying pupils tips on subjects which may look on the scrutiny. Cram schools in Hong Kong are celebrated because of the emphasiss from Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education ( HKDSE ) . These cram school learning includes practising exam inquiries and grammar drills. Furthermore, they provide theoretical account essays for English linguistic communication test. However, some schools are non licensed, and few pedagogues have learning makings. Their instruction is fun to appeal to the pupils but small utile for these pupils. For illustration, in my experience, I studied seven topics in my secondary school and for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education scrutiny ; they are Chinese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Liberal Studies and mathematics Module Two. In order to acquire a good consequence in the scrutiny, I went to tutorial school for four topics four times per a hebdomad. Although the tutorial fee is high, most of pupils believe that tutorial category can assist them to better their consequence and obtain a higher consequence tha n expected. While jaming may assist you retain some information, this keeping is merely impermanent. Houghton College warns that jaming can take pupils to bury of import inside informations on the twenty-four hours of the trial. Losing memorized stuff in the long term can be damaging if this information will look once more on a ulterior trial, such as a midterm or concluding test. Jaming makes it so you have to re-study many of these constructs on later trials, because of the short-run nature of the memorisation. Re-studying stuff is a waste of clip that can be spent on other assignments. One of the most touchable disadvantages of jaming for a trial is increased emphasis. This emphasis can negatively impact your concentration and public presentation on the test. Lander University warns that jaming requires an tremendous sum of attempt and loss of slumber, ensuing in pupils having lower-than-usual classs the undermentioned twenty-four hours. The emphasis can besides ensue in exhaustion and an inability to concentrate on the stuff while seeking to analyze. A unagitated head will ever execute better, and it s hard to stay unagitated when faced with a limited sum of clip to fix for all the parts of an test. One of the primary features of cramming is holding deficient clip to efficaciously cover all the necessary stuff. Another effect of the clip restraint is information overload, in which pupils feel overwhelmed by the sum of stuff they must larn and reexamine in a little sum of clip. Information overload can do pupils encephalons to experience like they have shut down, doing farther analyzing unproductive. Besides, stalling can take to pupils holding merely adequate clip to memorise things instead than exhaustively understand them, which can harm them on trial twenty-four hours. Education in Hong Kong has frequently been described as spoon feeding . Cram schools in Hong Kong have besides become a popular criterion in analogue to regular instruction. The dominant ways of believing about instruction system, particularly cram school, are excessively exam-orientated. Student may simply get academic cognition since they wholly focus on the HKDSE ( Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education ) test. Education system is going a system that memorizes the lexicon. When pupils have memorized selected cognition, so they will be given a one-day trial, based on dictionary cognition. Knowledge merely has value when used with a procedure and procedure in an unreal environment is non predictable or mensurable. Besides, some have criticized the system for holding excessively narrow of a watercourse focal point, excessively early on. Legco Member Alan Leong of the pointed out in a invitee talk at the Chinese University of Hong Kong that secondary degree scientific discipline pu pils are incapable of take parting in meaningful treatments on history, humanistic disciplines, or literature. Vice versa journalists of humanistic disciplines watercourse background are incapable of accurately discoursing technological issues. A typical Hong Kong pupil compared with other pupils, even against other pupils in the Asia part, lacks systematic decision-making assurance and relies on repeat and undeveloped replies. However, school is non merely a topographic point where students are ‘educated’ receiving, in peculiar, ‘moral’ Education, but besides a topographic point where they are ‘taught’ and learn specific topics. Our society says merely academic rudimentss are of import and that is based on roll uping cognition without understanding its value. Processing of cognition, utilizing inspiration, airy aspirations, creativeness, hazard, ability to resile back from failure, motive are besides critical to pupils. Most instruction establishments don’t see these accomplishments. These accomplishments are associated with understanding the value of cognition. Functionalist theory fundamentally suggests that society is made up of interrelated establishments and supports strength through societal harmoniousness. ( Vissing, 2011 ) Functionalists see society as a meritocracy. An illustration is that people get what they deserve in occupations based on the consequence that they’ve done in school. Functionalists believe that instructions teach the accomplishments needed for a occupation, therefore assist the economic system. Education sorts the cagey people from the midst for the right occupations. On the other manus, Functionalists believe that instruction is secondary socialisation. Anthony Smith asserts that functionalists visualize the society, which structured like a human organic structure. For illustration, parts of our organic structure map together to keep a healthy whole. In a society, instruction and household plays a critical function of the parts and all map together to keep the whole society. Emile Durkheim pointed out besi des that instruction eases children’s passage from the particularistic household to the universalistic work environment and besides, really significantly that instruction plays an of import function in the socialisation procedure. Conflict theoretician ( Marxism ) make the instance that there is an ordered system of inequality that is good to the people and organisations that have more power and resources than others. ( Vissing, 2011 ) Marxists believe that instructions help capitalist economy by learning childs what they need to work for the capitalists and warrant inequality because the working category childs fail tests. Besides, instructions pass on beliefs that all is just in society. In the yesteryear, the local instruction system has been really exam-orientated. However, in recent old ages at that place have been some moves towards fewer tests ad more uninterrupted and formative appraisal. A quality instruction is critical and it should custom design that addresses the alone abilities of each pupil and has a positive emotional experience. Custom instruction evaluates natural endowment and how the pupil learns. This is why place schooled pupils out perform schoolroom pupils. Parents learn what works and does non work, so concentrate on what plants. With this method, pupils develop a love to larn and larning becomes a womb-to-tomb procedure, therefore assisting pupils to make best in their hereafter in their life. Mention: Badarinza, C. ( 2011 ) . Collateralized Debt and Social Externalities.Job Market Paper,GoetheUniversity. Cheng, L. ( 1997 ) . How does washback influence learning? Deductions for Hong Kong.Language and Education,11( 1 ) , 38-54. Education Commission. ( 2000 ) . Learning for life, larning through life: Reform proposals for the instruction system in Hong Kong. Parkin, F. ( 1979 ) .Marxism and category theory: A businessperson review( pp. 25-27 ) . London: Tavistock.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me Essays - Drinking Culture

The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me Essays - Drinking Culture The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me Alcohol, probably the oldest drug known, has been used since the earliest of societies for celebration, rituals, and other social situations. In the early 1920s, society viewed alcohol as more of a social problem. The 18th amendment was passed to outlaw the consumption, sale, or trade of alcohol. This action caused much more delinquency, as a result of gangsters, and other organized crimes against the government. Prohibition was abolished with the 21st amendment in 1933. The poem The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me was written only a few years after prohibition and reflects the true nature of alcoholism. Although alcoholism was still frowned upon in this era, Schwartz uses a bear to expose and reflect the true nature of alcoholism. In the last stanza, The secret life of belly and bone shows that Schwartz feels that alcoholism is still unacceptable behavior. Schwartz uses physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of a bear to explain the nature of alcoholism. Schwartz gives the bear human characteristics that would be true of an alcoholic, Clumsy and lumbering here and there and In love with candy, anger, and sleep. Much like bears, people who are alcoholics, may experience a great deal of difficulty keeping his/her balance or controlling their emotions. Schwartz furthers this metaphor of an alcoholic by showing a physical dependence: Trembles and shows the darkness beneath. Due to withdrawal, an alcoholic may wake up in the morning with tremors and distress that require a drink for relief. The bear is also eager to engulf his physical need as shown in the line, A manifold honey to smear on his face. This strong need for alcohol outweighs what a person knows and understands about the effect on the body. Schwartz conveys to his readers that alcoholism is an inevitable burden. He tells us the bear is That inescapable animal walks with me / Moves where I move, distorting my gesture. It is apparent that Schwartz feels that alcoholism is a bur den. Conflicts with culture may make it difficult for some people to develop their own stable attitudes and moderate patterns of drinking. An alcoholic may feel the drinking is a way to become more sociable or change their mood. The author shows that although the bear appears to be confident, he has many insecurities, The strutting show-off is terrified, dressed in his dress-suit. Schwartz shows an unhealthy connection to drinking, A sweetness intimate as the waters clasp. This line explains the emotional hold alcohol has over the bear. Using the word intimate, he shares with the readers what a very personal issue this is for an alcoholic. When he describes the waters clasp, the reader is able to understand what a strong grasp alcohol has over him. The bear Howls in his sleep because of the tightrope to further explain the emotional pain associated with this illness. Along with physical and emotional duress, the psychology of an alcoholic is a deep, recurring issue. An alcoholic who has sustained from drinking is referred to as a recovering alcoholic, not as a cured alcoholic. The author is unable to freely admit this is a problem for him; he uses the bear as a scapegoat. Schwartz tells us the story of the bear on his back. He leads the readers to believe that if it werent for the bear that everything would be okay. He states, With whom I would walk without him near. If the author could do this and leave his unbearable problems, he feels it would bare my heart and make me clear. An alcoholic must recognize that he or she is powerless over alcohol, and seek help from a higher power in regaining control of his or her life. Alcoholism is an extremely serious problem it both today as it was yesterday. The poem The Heavy Bear Who Goes With Me was written to expose a serious problem in an era where there was little or no help for this serious illness. The disorder is marked by extreme or compulsive use of alcohol. This horrifying disease strikes millions of Americans, The scrimmage of appetite everywhere. Schwartz complaints of the bear and describes it as

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Symbolic Interactionst

Is it Rape or is it Marriage Many people from different places migrate to the US and with them they bring their culture. The dilemma is that what is right in their culture is wrong in the American culture. The US being a diverse society has to understand these â€Å"new immigrants† culture practices because they have lived and followed these practices for centuries. â€Å"Because human communication is composed of symbols that have arbitrary meanings and values† in every culture. Islamic people, for centuries in their culture have been marrying off their daughters at the age of 13 and 14. The reason behind this is because it symbolizes that a girl becomes a woman when she passes through puberty. Also, the marriage between a man in his late 20’s and a 13-year-old girl is not seen as odd to them it’s just normal practice. So their marriage is valid because they haven’t broken any norms within their culture. To American citizens marriage between a 13-year-old girl and a man in his late 20’s is seen as rape. The reasoning behind this is because according to the American culture a girl doesn’t become an adult until the age of 18 or older. Now there is a major conflict between our two cultures because Islamists have moved away from their country to America. In 1996 a 39-year old father arranged for his two daughters of the age 13 and 14 to be married to two Iraqi men, ages 28 and 34. To them they were just practicing their own customs. Since they were in America and this is seen as rape the father was charged with child abuse, the mother with contributing to the delinquency of minors, and the husbands were charged with rape. In another case a young Hmong man along with his friends went to a local college campus. There they picked up a girl that he selected to be his wife and took her back to his place where he had sex with her even though the girl didn’t want too. In the Hmong culture this is called â€Å"zij poj... Free Essays on Symbolic Interactionst Free Essays on Symbolic Interactionst Is it Rape or is it Marriage Many people from different places migrate to the US and with them they bring their culture. The dilemma is that what is right in their culture is wrong in the American culture. The US being a diverse society has to understand these â€Å"new immigrants† culture practices because they have lived and followed these practices for centuries. â€Å"Because human communication is composed of symbols that have arbitrary meanings and values† in every culture. Islamic people, for centuries in their culture have been marrying off their daughters at the age of 13 and 14. The reason behind this is because it symbolizes that a girl becomes a woman when she passes through puberty. Also, the marriage between a man in his late 20’s and a 13-year-old girl is not seen as odd to them it’s just normal practice. So their marriage is valid because they haven’t broken any norms within their culture. To American citizens marriage between a 13-year-old girl and a man in his late 20’s is seen as rape. The reasoning behind this is because according to the American culture a girl doesn’t become an adult until the age of 18 or older. Now there is a major conflict between our two cultures because Islamists have moved away from their country to America. In 1996 a 39-year old father arranged for his two daughters of the age 13 and 14 to be married to two Iraqi men, ages 28 and 34. To them they were just practicing their own customs. Since they were in America and this is seen as rape the father was charged with child abuse, the mother with contributing to the delinquency of minors, and the husbands were charged with rape. In another case a young Hmong man along with his friends went to a local college campus. There they picked up a girl that he selected to be his wife and took her back to his place where he had sex with her even though the girl didn’t want too. In the Hmong culture this is called â€Å"zij poj...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fire Safety Managment and Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Fire Safety Managment and Legislation - Essay Example This essay describes different services offered by the centre, and states that an expansion and enlargement of the centre are needed. The researcher discusses that the centre’s management decided to have a new building with a common hall, a room with a stage, a chapel, several offices, a room for the youth, a pantry or a kitchen, a storage or utility room, and rest rooms and other facilities needed for the clients. With all these factors being considered, the building code requirements for fire safety are included. A fire safety strategy is needed to give satisfaction to the functional requirement of the building. With the plan provided, the fire safety measures must have the adequacy of means to prevent fire. There is also the provision for smoke control and control of rate of fire growth. The adequacy of the structure to resist the effect of the fire, the degree of fire compartment, the fire separation between buildings or part of buildings. The standard of active measures f or fire extinguishment and control, the facilities to assist the fire service, training of staff in fire safety and fire routines, the continued control under other legislation to maintain and test fires safety measures and management of fire safety. Internal fire spread as well as external fire spread control limitation is into a great consideration. In understanding the nature of service installations from the builder’s perspective, the importance of building services must be identified together with the methods used for fire protection. Building Regulations and Legislation The building regulations 2000, Approved Document B is the guidance on how to meet the building regulation on fire safety. This means that the building must allow adequate means of escape in the event of a fire. The ultimate concern of the Document B is the protection of the building occupants and not the building itself. Generally, fire safety requirements includes the following which are to be implemented in the construction of the new building. Means of Detection and Warning in case of Fire The means of detection and warning in case of fire includes the installation for fire appliances and assistance to the fire service such as fire extinguishers which are to be installed at places of relevance. Sprinklers must be set in strategic places. Hose reels are also needed, and must be placed in a location that is reachable to everybody. A fire alarm is a must to give early warning to the occupants in case of fire in the building. A design for compartmentation of the building is necessary to avoid the fast spread of fire. In section B1 of the approved Document B, smoke alarms should be positioned in places where fire is most likely to start. The most probable locations for the smoke alarms would be the kitchen and the oil

Friday, October 18, 2019

Living Together Before Marriage as a Controversial Topic Research Paper - 7

Living Together Before Marriage as a Controversial Topic - Research Paper Example The people who strongly oppose couples living together prior to marriage stress the significance of adhering to traditional beliefs in the sacrament of marriage. The previous generation has always supported the need for marriage before their children could live with a person not yet considered one’s spouse. The belief marriage is more than a mutual agreement, but more so, a sacrament blessed by Divine Power is prevalent in major religions. Those couples who decide to get married have their unions blessed and are therefore believed to endure challenges and trials ‘until death do them part’. On the contrary, supporters of those who believe that living together is an agreement that is more beneficial indicate that disagreement from various sectors is not fully justified. Although the majority of people believe that living together is, in fact, going against the norm by asserting that â€Å"cohabitors are partially rejecting society's dominant value system. Those peo ple who enter cohabitation relationships tend to perceive social rules in flexible terms† (Cohabitation, par. 11). A glimpse on the research on contemporary generation has proven that â€Å"young couples are most accepting of cohabitation, and it is likely that it will become increasingly popular over time† (Barlow, Duncan, James, and Park, 1). In this regard, there are lesser social pressures or stigma associated with couples who opt to live together prior to marriage. Living together before marriage gives more benefits as long as the couples are physical, emotionally, economically mature to acknowledge the responsibilities and accountabilities that go with the agreement.

Marketing Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Case Study Analysis - Essay Example In this regard, a deeper understanding of what the relevance is of â€Å"marketing myopia† is can be gauged. In the analysis of this case study, Levitt (1975) suggested that the reason behind the downfall of the so-called â€Å"growing industry† is generally because of their myopic thinking culture. With this short – sighted vision of what the future of business may possibly offer, firms do collapse. It is indeed necessary to think outside the box and have a bigger picture of what is likely to happen in the industry. Also, he proposed that in order for business to thrive continuously, businesses must be customer – oriented instead of being too much occupied in developing, improving and producing goods and services. Likewise, he also suggested that marketing is needed and not just basically selling since marketing includes communicating the values that the products and services can possibly offer. This recommends that in order to avoid business failure in t he future, a proper implementation and execution of the strategies should come next to ensure the sustained business after such careful and balanced analysis and planning of the business context today and in the future. Introduction Starting a business involves risks since its success is never a guarantee. In reality, there are only slim chances of success in every business because only a few out of the total numbers of founded businesses do succeed. The U.S. Small Business Administration suggested that an estimation of over a half of the small businesses do fail within the first 5 years of their operation (Vetbiz Resource Center, 2009). There are many available print and online materials which try to explain why businesses fail. In the book entitled â€Å"Small Business Management,† Michael Ames (1983) suggested that the collapse of small businesses can be accounted by the following reasons: the entrepreneur’s lack of experience in handling business, poor inventory ma nagement, weak credit arrangement, excessive investment in fixed assets, insufficient capital to sustain the business needs, personal use of business funds, surprising growth in business as well as the poor and inconvenient location of business. On the one hand, there are two more reasons accounting to the collapse of business. According to Gustav Berle (1989) in the â€Å"Do It Yourself Business Book†, the increased competition in the market and the low sales are also reasons behind business failure. However, it is the case that businesses may have achieved a certain growth at one point in time which is followed by its collapse after. This failure of businesses, according to Theodore Levitt (1975), is not caused by the saturation in the market but mainly due to the short – sighted thinking culture of firms through having the illusion that such industries are growing. For Levitt (1975), the belief in the so – called â€Å"growth industry† should be reject ed since for him, such conviction is followed by complacency. With the belief in the â€Å"growth industry†, the businesses focus more on developing products and producing goods which they sell to the consumers. Nonetheless, these firms lose sight of what the real needs and wants are which can truly satisfy the customers. Given this, the focus of this paper mainly delves at critically analyzing the case of â€Å"

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity Essay

How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity - Essay Example Marxist view of capitalist work: Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism is significant enough to understand the relationship of the identity of an individual with that of the nature of his employment. Karl Marx explained in his work, the role of capitalism in shaping the modern society. In his theory he mentioned the effectiveness of capitalism in maintaining a relationship between different classes (Klegg, 1990, p.55). According to the theory, the goal of the capitalist is to gain maximum profit in the business and generally the capitalist reach their goals by the exploitation of the labor class. The capitalist exploit the conditions of the labors by paying the labors with wages which are much lesser than their efforts they put in for the work. The difference in the value of the wages paid to the workers acts as a source of profit for the capitalist. According to the theory it can be comprehended that the motive of the capitalist are always fulfilled as they take an upper hand and decides the fate of the others. This nature of the capitalist or the employers identifies them as exploiters of the society and the workers or the laborers in the society are referred as the exploited section of the economy (Baiman, et al, 2000, pp.42-44). The general identification of the two broad division of the society can be attained from the theory of the capitalist work by Karl Marx. Karl Marx also held the idea that the economic structure of the society has a high level of influence on the thoughts of the human being and also guides the behavior of the people. The thought process and the behaviorist pattern of the individuals is a guiding factor for setting of an identity in the society and determine the overall reputation of the individual. The Marxian theory also classifies the social structure based on the nature of employment of the persons. (Anderson & Taylor, 2010, p.17) Ervin Gofman’s theory of dramaturgy and Impression management: The concept of dramaturgy was framed by the sociologist Erving Goffman, where he brought in the idea that the life of the individuals is symbolical to a never ending play or drama and the people are the mere actors in the stage of life (Ritzer, 2004, p.211). The theory of impression management was also devised by him where he stated that the individuals show a general tendency to manipulate the behavior of others in the stage of life. In depicting the behavior of others various factors creep which are social setting, appearance and manner of interaction of an individual. These factors help to establish the relation between the identities of an individual and the nature of his paid employment (Kendall, 2011, p.574). The social setting of a person is one of the guiding factors to determine the identity of a person. The income level of a person builds up the social setting of a person and subsequently helps in creating his identity in the society. An Individual with high level of income tends to have a flamboyant social setting does his best to create an identity among the people that he belongs to the upper level of society. On the contrary the lower economic sections of the society do not have much resource to draw the attention of people. Their social setting is devoid of any materialistic thing as they face hard time in fulfilling their primary needs. According to Goffman, appearance of a person is also a crucial factor in setting up his identity in t

Stategic Management of Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Stategic Management of Human Resources - Essay Example But today, personnel departments are replaced or merged with the human resources departments; (Is there a difference between human resources and the personnel department) hence the demarcation between the two functions has been eliminated. Therefore, now personnel departments in addition to recruiting and selecting personnel, it maintains employee records, helps in career development and training of employees, handles and enforce all kinds of laws and regulations as put forward by the state administration, and moreover, also deals with individual and unionized employees in their personnel actions. The staffing function of personnel department has three parts to it namely, selecting, hiring and training. After the organizing function of the management determines the places and the jobs that are critical for the organization performance of its functions, the role of staffing comes into play. Thus, personnel managers recruit a new pool of individuals from outside if they see no internal fillings can be done. The recruiting may begin with the ad for a job vacancy, referral etc. The short listed applicants are screened through interview and other tools that are used t evaluate such as projective techniques etc. Management discharges, dismissals, transfers are also a part of it. The handling of personnel records help the company generate weekly or monthly activity records for these to be monitored, in light of all the rules, regulations and the ordinance requirements put forth. Various documentation that is required as a part of daily operating process such as subpoenas, employment verifications and also the unemployment compensation is handled. Besides, evaluation of employees and the maintenance of data is also handled as a part of record and data base of the employees by this department. In short, it has all the classified information of all the employees that are a part of the company be it temporary, permanent, seasonal, or part time etc. Another issue that relates to the function of the personnel department is the workers compensation. Normally, under the worker compensations acts as different states' requirements puts responsibility on the personnel department. This requires the personnel department to determine the compensation - weekly, monthly or the daily wage basis. Besides, benefits such as compensation for permanent or temporary disabilities, work related injuries, other than that medical, vocational rehabilitation, insurance, or other kind of benefits for the family members of the workers is also managed by the personnel managers. It also handles workers' compensation claims, issues related to sick or annual leave, etc. Fringe benefits are also administered under this role. One of the primary functions of the personnel department is the training of employees and the workers. This helps the employees achieve the maximum level of competency and assist employees that lack in certain areas to polish and brush up their skills. The training may be aimed at conducting work out sessions for employees at the entry level position and also the managers as they climb up the ladder. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity Essay

How Does Paid Employment Affect Your Identity - Essay Example Marxist view of capitalist work: Karl Marx’s theory of capitalism is significant enough to understand the relationship of the identity of an individual with that of the nature of his employment. Karl Marx explained in his work, the role of capitalism in shaping the modern society. In his theory he mentioned the effectiveness of capitalism in maintaining a relationship between different classes (Klegg, 1990, p.55). According to the theory, the goal of the capitalist is to gain maximum profit in the business and generally the capitalist reach their goals by the exploitation of the labor class. The capitalist exploit the conditions of the labors by paying the labors with wages which are much lesser than their efforts they put in for the work. The difference in the value of the wages paid to the workers acts as a source of profit for the capitalist. According to the theory it can be comprehended that the motive of the capitalist are always fulfilled as they take an upper hand and decides the fate of the others. This nature of the capitalist or the employers identifies them as exploiters of the society and the workers or the laborers in the society are referred as the exploited section of the economy (Baiman, et al, 2000, pp.42-44). The general identification of the two broad division of the society can be attained from the theory of the capitalist work by Karl Marx. Karl Marx also held the idea that the economic structure of the society has a high level of influence on the thoughts of the human being and also guides the behavior of the people. The thought process and the behaviorist pattern of the individuals is a guiding factor for setting of an identity in the society and determine the overall reputation of the individual. The Marxian theory also classifies the social structure based on the nature of employment of the persons. (Anderson & Taylor, 2010, p.17) Ervin Gofman’s theory of dramaturgy and Impression management: The concept of dramaturgy was framed by the sociologist Erving Goffman, where he brought in the idea that the life of the individuals is symbolical to a never ending play or drama and the people are the mere actors in the stage of life (Ritzer, 2004, p.211). The theory of impression management was also devised by him where he stated that the individuals show a general tendency to manipulate the behavior of others in the stage of life. In depicting the behavior of others various factors creep which are social setting, appearance and manner of interaction of an individual. These factors help to establish the relation between the identities of an individual and the nature of his paid employment (Kendall, 2011, p.574). The social setting of a person is one of the guiding factors to determine the identity of a person. The income level of a person builds up the social setting of a person and subsequently helps in creating his identity in the society. An Individual with high level of income tends to have a flamboyant social setting does his best to create an identity among the people that he belongs to the upper level of society. On the contrary the lower economic sections of the society do not have much resource to draw the attention of people. Their social setting is devoid of any materialistic thing as they face hard time in fulfilling their primary needs. According to Goffman, appearance of a person is also a crucial factor in setting up his identity in t

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Explain and discuss the golden rule of accumulation and assess the Essay

Explain and discuss the golden rule of accumulation and assess the implications for macroeconomic policy - Essay Example All such factors are considering by policy makers while implementing macroeconomic policies for the country. The savings investment behavior of the economy can be captured through neoclassical economics including the golden rule of accumulation. The golden rule is adopted to move towards optimum consumption. The golden rule determines the desired level of savings since under this level all profits are saved and then reinvested (Baumgartner and Meredith, 1995, p.6). Thus the current paper tends to discuss the golden rule of accumulation and its implications for macroeconomic policies. The production function of a country depicts how the country utilizes the available resources and inputs for producing output. Land, labor, capital and organization are termed as factors of production. We mainly use capital (K) and labor (L) as the two factors. It is given as, Equally important as production is the concept of consumption which is the difference between income and savings. The consumption function depicts the relation between consumption and disposable income (Consumption Function). It is given as, Attainment of steady state means that an economy has gained stability. A country has attained steady state either due to increase or decrease in growth. It occurs when production rates or the country’s investment equals depreciation. Such a phenomenon is shown in the diagram below: B B depreciation (ÃŽ ´k) Here it is seen that under the steady state output labor ratio becomes stagnant as investment becomes equal to depreciation at point A. production function determines the output- labor ratio at point B. Away from A the economy is converging towards steady state. Under the steady state the government requires to choose that level of

Supply Chain Management and Lean Production Essay Example for Free

Supply Chain Management and Lean Production Essay Abstract The system of interconnected businesses used to push a product from supplier to consumer is defined as a supply chain. Supply chain management focuses on managing the supply chain in an effort to improve the quality and time it requires to manufacture a product. In addition to implementing supply chain management, a helpful lean production practice called Just-in-time can be used to remove any waste present along the supply chain. The marriage of lean production and supply chain management creates lean supply chain management, which provides a much leaner and more economical supply chain for the product to flow through. Supply Chain Management and Lean Production Much uncertainty about what supply chain management entails is present in today’s society. Many people treat supply chain management as being synonymous with logistics, which is the management of the flow of goods from the origin to the consumers However, supply chain management encompasses much more than the purchasing or management of goods to the consumer. Supply chain management (SCM), as defined by Lambert (2008), is the management of relationships across the supply chain, which includes a network of interconnected businesses involved in providing a product or service to the consumer. The management of the relationships between businesses on the supply chain is significant to ensure successful and efficient processes are used in providing products and goods to the customer. Definition of Supply Chain Management (SCM) What is a supply chain? A supply chain is defined as a system of organizations, as well as people and information, which are directly involved with the manufacture and delivery of a product (Phelps, Smith, Hoenes, 2004; â€Å"Supply Chain,† 2008). The supply chain includes the transformation of raw materials at the site of the supplier to finished goods that can be used by the consumer, as shown in Figure 1. The path the product travels is similar to that of a river. A river, when properly banked, is flowing in one direction towards a goal (Tompkins, 2000). Mark Twain stated that â€Å"Without banks the river is just a puddle. † A supply chain, like a river, needs communication and integration as its banks to create a force towards the destination, which is the consumer. Without the presence of the banks, the river would go nowhere and therefore be merely a puddle. Effective communication in business relationships that cross over different departments, as displayed by the arrows in Figure 1, is necessary to provide quality products to the consumer. What is supply chain management? Lambert (2004) defines supply chain management as â€Å"the integration of key business processes from the end user through original suppliers than provides products, services, and information that add value for customers and other stakeholders. † An illustration of supply chain management is displayed in Figure 2. This figure represents a basic supply chain network structure, as well as the flow of information and the product. The eight supply chain management processes, which integrate various tasks within the organization across the supply chain, can also be found in Figure 2 (Lambert, 2008). The implementation of the eight supply chain management processes is necessary to manage the relationships between various departments and tasks across the supply chain. Supply chain management is ultimately about the management of relationships within the network of businesses in the supply chain. Lambert (2008) expresses that the management of a supply chain is managed â€Å"link-by-link, relationship-by-relationship, and the organizations that manage these relationships best will win. † Role of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Overview of the role Supply chain management places attention along the entire supply chain, from raw materials at the supplier to finished goods in the hands of the customer. One role that supply chain management plays within a company is producing more efficient, quality products, which creates a competitive advantage among other companies. Today, management of the supply chain can be completed through the use of supply chain management software, such as E2Open. Supply chain management allows a company to document and track data pertaining to the supply chain. Benefits of the supply chain management Supply chain management places importance on managing the customer relationship, as well as the supplier relationship. By effectively managing these relationships, the company can become more competitive, while increasing the quality of the product to the customer. Placing emphasis on the supplier relationship and the businesses along the supply chain increases product efficiency and quality. The importance placed on the customer relationship focuses on the demands and needs of the customer. Through effective communication within the relationships along the supply chain, a basic balance of supply and demand is established.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Look At Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe English Literature Essay

A Look At Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe English Literature Essay Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe (1719) is regarded as the most notable forerunner of the English Novel or to some extent the first English Novel. It was written at the beginning a century that witnessed great changes in the economic order. The cognoscenti have dealt with the character of Robinson Crusoe, bringing out several points of view. The motive of this piece of work is to study Crusoes philosophy about trade, religion and non-Europeans in its historical background. These three facets of Crusoes personality are inherently connected with each other and are thus fundamental to an appreciation of Crusoes mindset and character. His disposition towards dealings and religion is prompted by realistic considerations. He capitalizes on non-Europeans and is backed by spiritual beliefs in his discriminating treatment. The next consideration of the three main aspects of Crusoes nature will help us to grasp his character and inform us of the prevalent trends of the Eighteenth Century. Right from the beginning, Crusoe appears to be a star-crossed navigator and tradesman, however his ambitions are not impeded by shipwrecks and captivity. He is not the archetype of a man who could be impelled to abandon his Marxist principles by bad luck; contrariwise these misfortunes and his defencelessness tend to become a driving force. Robinson has the personality of a well-bred dealer whom setback or hardship does not break but whose perseverance and composure are magnified. Such mischance adds to his wisdom and predisposes him to future challenges. He never omits any scope for investment and commerce. In Brazil, besides exploring other opportunities for making money, he cautiously inspects the land, the plantations, and the regulation of the country. Crusoe undoubtedly inherited his methodical and businesslike way of living from his natal home in York. To put down roots as a planter in Brazil, it is needed to acquire property and obtain an allowable license. He makes profits on the situation and starts out to contemplate future prospects as a prosperous planter. Crusoe is the only one who survives from the hapless shipwreck. Although the craft is filled with water, he takes all the useful items to the island. He dwells on this remote island thanks to his remarkable shrewdness. His living the supervision of the resources on the isle and his discrimination in the dreariest details of everyday life are germane to his mercantile interests. Albeit he calls money a Drug and nasty, sorry, useless Stuff he does not get rid of it but rather encases it in a piece of canvas and preserves it for the future. Robinson Crusoes life as a dynamic trader arises out of his arrival in Lisbon after having spent more than twenty-eight years on the island. It is as though he were leading off a new life from scratch inquiring about the state of his plantation in Brazil and aiming at renewing his old trade contacts. He discovers that his plantation is still thriving and earns from its profits over five thousand pounds in sterling silver. Thenceforth, he disposes of his plantings and takes up residence in England. Crusoes feeling about nature is likewise practical. He exploits the island exclusively for his own subsistence and satisfaction and feels no aesthetic gladness form its magnificent scenery. He just fusses about the improvement of his land and has no leisure to notice that the island provides a beautiful landscape. Crusoes sole pleasure comes from examining his goods: I had everything so ready at my Hand and that is was a great Pleasure to me to see all my Goods in such order and especially to find my Stock of all Necessaries so great. He always pleaded for his freedom when he was on the Island of Despair. But after his deliverance, and on getting back home, he is not inclined to overlook the investment he has made in the island. Apart from his nostalgic association for him, the island is linked to his commercial motives. He writes: Besides this I shard the island into parts with em, reservd to myself the Property of the whole, but gave them such Parts respectively as they agred on; and having settld all Things with them, and engagd them not to leave the Place, I left them there. Crusoes penchant for mercantilism proves to be surprisingly realistic and precautionary; his thrifty investments have brought him a substantial coming back. He is an affluent tradesman and his adventures represent the virtues of individualism and absolute economic, social and intellectual freedom for the individual. Despite the recurrent religious cogitations in Defoes story, we are aware that it would be inaccurate to take the purpose of the novel or even its central theme as being pious in nature. Intuitively assessed, the book looks secular, more instantly and more steadily concerned with a mans earthly fulfillment than with his duty towards the Providence under the guidance of religion. After returning to England, Crusoes comparison of himself to the biblical character Job in chapter XXIX displays much about how he gives his martyrdom religious meaning: I might well say now indeed, that the latter End of Job was better than the Beginning. It is impossible to express here the Flutterings of my very Heart when I looked over these Letters and especially when I found all my Wealth about me; for as the Brazil Ships come all in Fleets, the same Ships which brought my Letters brought my Goodsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . Like Job, whose religious devotion was gauged by God through the deprivation of family and wealth, Crusoe is dispossessed of his money while nonetheless pledging allegiance to the Deity. In a similar way, the protagonists pride in escaping the middle Station is a mark of Greek mythology in which the characters suffer from hubris and are therefore scourged by their sin. His fathers dictum sounds like a prophetic statement for Crusoes predicament: Boy might be happy if he would stay at Home, but if he goes abroad he will be the most miserable Wretch that was ever born. He unremittingly ponders over his connection with the Lord throughout the novel and how much God is penalizing him for his wicked Days. Halfway through the novel, Robinson, after a long rumination on whether religion allowed him to murder without warning or provoking the cannibals on the island, ends by observing that they might kill him. His observation is: Religion joyned in with this prudentialà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦me. Religion has a way of concurring with the protection and comfort of Defoes fictional character. As we said previously, Crusoes maiden imprudence is going off to sea without his fathers consent, which is viewed by him and is considered to be so viewed by us, as deliberate insubordination to God, that these calamities are meant to lead him into remorse for his offence and into the pardon and kindness of God, and that his ultimate prosperity is a proof of Gods care for him. Despite the dramatic events, Crusoes temperament does not seem to alter, even if he is in a state of sin or of repentance. The necessity of repentance is a key element in the novel. The Preface indicates the moral and religious dimensions of the story, which states that Crusoes travelogue is published to instruct others in Gods wisdom and the importance of repenting ones sins: The Story is told with Modesty, with Seriousness, and with a religious application of Events to the Uses to which wise Men always apply them to the Instruction of others by this Example, and to justify and honour the Wisdom of Providence in all the Variety of our Circumstances, let them happen how they will. Crusoe needs compunction most when he is told from the fiery angelic figure that comes to him during a feverish hallucination and says: Seeing all these Things have not brought you to repentance, now you shall die. He believes that his major sin is his rebellious behaviour towards his father, which he compares to a biblical reference: I have been in all my Circumstances a Memento to those who are touched with the general Plague of Mankind, whence, for ought I know, one half of their Miseries flow; I mean, that of not being satisfyd with the Station wherein God and Nature has placd them; for not to look back upon my primitive Condition, and the excellent Advice of my Father, the Opposition to which was, as I may call it, my original Sin. It is akin to Adam and Eves defiance of God, which may suggest that Crusoes exile from civilization symbolizes Adam and Eves expulsion from Eden. According to Robinson, contrition consists of acknowledging his desolation and his complete reliance upon the Lord. A main part of the plot of the novel relies on the fact that Crusoe is shipwrecked on the island as Gods way of bringing him to repentance and redemption. On several occasions in the novel, Defoe achieved a kind of grandeur of vision; in which the might and majesty of God are praised: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I had now brought my state of lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦next to miraculous. Here the Puritan sense of the grace of God for an unworthy sinner is well-expressed. It is unlikely that a hypocrite would pen these lines. If the intensity of religious belief appears less in Defoe and the concern with substantial success greater than in the works of his puritan predecessors, that intensity of feeling is yet anything but missing. This may seem the mark of a hypocritical religious belief, despising the wealthy yet labouring to achieve them, but to the Puritan, there is nothing contradictory in this. The most unpleasant leitmotiv in Defoes novel is the way Crusoe behaves towards non-Europeans. The fact that his attitude is very repulsive arouses our interest, for it assures us to understand the foundations of British Imperialism that were being laid at when the novel was written. There is no possibility but that the opinions expressed by Crusoe are those of the author as well. We know enough of Defoes own political career as an agent of the Prime Minister who made the treaty endowing Great Britain with its slaving rights, Sir Robert Harely, to be certain he was in concord with British policy. Moreover it is obvious that Defoe is manifesting his casual sense of superiority to non-Europeans, as shown by his readers sympathy, even to the point of making native humour one of the interests of the novel. We shall consider four aspects of Robinson Crusoe before trying to come to some conclusion: the jocular use of language to characterize non-Europeans; the prejudice practiced by Crusoe; Crusoes belief that other peoples should work for him; and his reflections on nationality. The first part of the demonstration seems innocuous, but it is not. The problem lies in the fact that both Xury and Friday speak very bad English indeed. Concerning Xury, the thing that may surprise us is that he speaks English, because we are told that Crusoe had no fellow-Europeans to communicate with while he was at Sallee. We should expect that he and his fellow slaves would speak Turkish or Arabic or Berber, some language that is used in the Maghreb. Nevertheless Xury speaks bad English in conversing with Crusoe. As for Friday, he could not utter a word in English before meeting Crusoe. Yet, his English is no better than Xurys, even after some three or four years of continual conversation in English. Despite this, other foreigners, from Europe like the Portuguese sea-captain, speak completely good English. Now the vernacular is one mark, a most meaningful sign, of the equivalence between human beings. That Defoe presents Xury and Friday thus, making funny use of their defective English, has the insidious effect of making us perceive them as somehow inferior to Crusoe and to Englishmen in general. The second thing to clarify is another token of Crusoes discrimination. In the episode where Crusoe, after having decided not to interfere in the cannibalistic customs of the Indians on the island, changes his mind on the spur of the moment and does interfere, the reason of his intervention is that one of the victims is a European. This could be abstractly justified, on the basis of Crusoes concept of nationalities. Still, this would be too insubstantial to account for the strength of Crusoes reaction. Fridays pronouncement that one of the victims is a European fired all the very Soul within him. He was filled with Horror at the very Naming of the white bearded man, whom he saw vividly was a European, and had clothes on. Such a fact clearly unfolds Crusoes real sympathy for Europeans, whatever he might say in calmer moments. The coming idea we have referred to is not easy to elaborate. We can pay attention to the fact that Crusoe is never disposed to acknowledge a relation on equal terms with non-Europeans. He purposely strives for appearing to them awe-inspiring and assumes, as a matter of course, that they should be willing to offer up their lives for his privilege. Lastly, the fourth aspect to expound is that Crusoes concept of nationalities, though not racist, seems to be prejudiced against the bulk of native peoples who are seen as evil and deserving of Gods punishment. It is true that he leaves it to God to punish them, but the expression of the theory is meant to limit our empathy for them. In the following paragraph Crusoe goes on to observe: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦we did not know by what Light and Law these should be condemned; but that as God was necessarily, and by the Nature of His Being, infinitely holy and just, so it could not be, but that if these Creatures were all sentenced to Absence from himself; it was on Account of sinning against the Lightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What techniques has Leon Gast applied to engage his audience in When E

Throughout the year I have been studying the documentary 'When We Were Kings' based around the 1974 World Boxing Championship fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. The fight was staged in Zaire, Africa and is subsequently predominantly an African influenced film, although still effective in delivering the story and exposition of one of the greatest sporting moments of our modern era. Through use of a complex sound track - including live sound and interviews from the past - Gast is able to entice me to continue viewing the colourful, musical and exciting documentary. Using a majority of archival footage combined with a cast of experts and witness' Leon Gast captures the moment whilst providing us with the necessary background information and detail. A number of questions are asked and social issues raised providing us with a contrast of morals and ideals creating a fast moving, intriguing look at an event adopted in to boxing folklore as the greatest of all time. Although Ga st is unable to incorporate much of his craft - due to a majority of archival footage - he is still able to build tension and demonstrate importance through his shot selection, use of motifs and selection of music. When I viewed Gast's dramatic yet uplifting look at the 1974 World Heavyweight Boxing title fight in Zaire, I was engaged through his use of evocative and up-beat music. Music plays almost constantly throughout and is effective in establishing a mood of fun and excitement about the brutal bout. To begin the film Gast introduces us to the tribal rhythms of Zaire, I believe to signify the origins of both fighters and the importance of cultural links between America, Africa and the evolution of popular culture. Gast also employs the use of a mysterious African women - a dancer and performer - through use of close up's and intense, tension building rhythms. She appears throughout the documentary and we are told later that a witch doctor predicted Foreman might be defeated by use of a voodoo spell involving a "woman with fluttering hands". Whether there is any element of truth to the prediction, Gast's inclusion of this native African lady is clearly to provide an element of mys tery and intrigue around not only the fight in Zaire, but also Ali's greatness. The tribal rhythms and traditional African music work well for Gast and are effective in portraying the mood... ...nter the armed forces during the Vietnam war- had resulted in a jail sentence and loss of the title. This was Ali's return, the greatest of all time was returning to the ring to face one of the most formidable individuals ever to step in to the square shaped arena, making it a bout no red-blooded American and no self respecting sports fan worldwide could miss. Gast's subject matter - the fight itself - and people involved - namely Ali - are perhaps one of the most appealing events to be covered in sports history (with relation to real life relevance) The people involved in Gast's documentary are remarkably effective in delivering the recount of the 'Rumble in the Jungle' combining aging experts with those who were scattered amongst the commotion that was the concert and fight in Zaire, 1974. Spike Lee appears throughout to provide a modern, filmmakers perspective while George Plimpton and Norman Mailer commentate, adding excitement and human dimension to the fight. Mailer and Plimpton covered the fight in the seventies and provide us with a credible recount and are effective in providing professional detail for us helping us understand some more technical angles explored by Gast.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Female Entrepreneurial Role in James M Cains Mildred Pierce :: Mildred Pierce Essays

The Female Entrepreneurial Role in James M Cain's Mildred Pierce A woman's place in the post-depression era is usually one where a woman would commonly be known to have a role in the economy; only to be waiting in her kitchen to cook for the "money-making husband." It was often rare to encounter one woman who had the ability to take her inner interests and turn them into an entrepreneurial role in society. Yet, through this novel by James M. Cain, one will encounter Mildred Pierce, in which Mildred uses her inner talent, and cooking. To redeem the long lost woman's role in the economy and the workforce. This inner interest of cooking was not kept inside the household as it has with millions of other woman in the United States; it was instead expanded into a successful capitalistic venture for Mildred. Gorgeous legs, great cook, and friendly disposition. Mildred used these attributes to survive a divorce and poverty and to claw her way out of the lower middle class. Yet Mildred also had a weakness, one being that she has failed to Veda’s standards. Mildred Pierce tries her best in order to please her daughter. She charts the rise and fall of a woman who makes and markets pies. When her husband loses his livelihood as a result of the Wall Street crash, Mildred takes work "as a waitress"(Mildred Pierce) in a diner. "Recognizing that she can produce better pies than the business currently has to offer, she rapidly becomes its supplier."(1,dirks) Then she opens a restaurant of her own, which leads to openings of several others. Mildred, a mother of two daughters, was left alone because of her husband, Bert. Mildred, capable of cooking meals as to a fancy restaurant she decides to utilize these techniques in opening her Own restaurant. Wally, a friend of Mildred's husband helps in organizing a place to build the new restaurant." For the first time in her life, Mildred felt the quick excitement of a conspiratorial deal. She comprehended the credit aspect of it, once Wally explained it, and she didn't need to be told how perfect the place was for her purposes."(93,Cain) Mildred able to use the abandon Pierce Model home she renovates, and turns it into a restaurant. She decided on a name, "Mildred Pierce" in which she only serves chicken and waffles and pies on the side.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Language Learning in Early Childhood Essay

Early childhood education and early schooling for young children usually starts at the age of three; however, language learning for all human begins at the very early age. Many new born babies start to communicate with meaningless words like pa and ba; perhaps, it is the first stage they want to begin learning how to speak. The question arises with a grappling impression of why it happens, and what pushes them to superfluously generalize those meaningless sounds. The reason behind this amazing issue is what has engaged many psychologists and linguists all over the area of language research projects around the world. Beginning to simply answer this question, Lightbown and Spata (2010), state that in very early stages children produce a specific group of repeated words to convey their thoughts: for example, a comfortable baby frequently repeats cooing and gurgling; however it is not the case with a hungry child. Moreover, they assert that the process of learning to communicate falls into different sequential stages, which is the focus of this paper. According to Lightbown and Spata (2010), as children grow up, the sense for communication eagerly start to discover many features of the language that gives them the idea of how meaning relationships are created through the language. A twelve years old month baby exactly knows the meaning of cookies; he/she is still unable to use an appropriate language to ask questions about that. To state the matter differently, the linguistic cognitive development gradually unfolds the puzzle of how language is manipulated to express ideas. Many children who could not produce correct grammatical utterances, they would learn that in later years as they hear complete sentences from the environment they live. Vygotsky (1976) (citing Lightbown and Spata, 2010), believes that a great deal of children language is acquired through interactions with families and friends; however, B. F Skinner, and American psychologist, explain the acquisition of language in term of behaviorism that marks learning of a language as practice of reproducing what children hear or receive in daily conversation. In addition to these two theories, Noam Chomsky, a well-known figure in linguistics; argue that children are innately capable of learning language; though, the surrounded environment provides them with fundamental contributions that help them learn the basic language rules. Although learning a language is a natural process, but things get worst if we think about negative aspects of language acquisition. In attachment with some biological types of obstacles in acquiring a language like deafness, articulatory problems, and dyslexia, there is one last hurdle oppositely functioning in course of language learning, which is called bilingualism. Children who face a different language during school periods, it is too difficult for them to maintain their first language, and they often lose the normal range of their native language. In this case, children are said to be caught in a confusing dilemma. They haven’t completely learned their native language not have been learning the other one. â€Å"To deal with the problem, we suggest the maintenance of the first language while a second language is being learned† (Lightbown and Spata. 2010, p 26). Indeed, it is concluded that language learning is a series of interconnected stages which is progressed within the first three years of child’s age. Many psychologists and Linguists have presented different ideas about language acquisition; however, they only partially understand about how language is learned. Besides, since Language is a social phenomenon, it must be the result of some interactive means of communication between human beings. Children have some kind of innate capacities that predispose them not only learn their native language but also enables them to learn languages that are spoken in the place they live.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Soldier

Dulce et decorum est is written regarding the First World War in the hindsight of the battle of the Somme. This takes a somewhat cynical view on warfare. The soldier by Rupert Brooke on the other hand takes a very strong patriotic feel and this shines through more then anything else. The soldier paints a picture of English serenity and whereas â€Å"dulce et.† portrays Owens anger at the indifference of those at home who continued to propagate lies. You can see the influence of Siegfried Sassoon in this piece. The language is more direct and shocking â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† helps convey the grievance in the air. In the soldier the language is less deplorable and has a feel more of a love poem â€Å"her sights and sounds†¦ under an English Heaven† this coupled with the fact that the poem is written as a sonnet reiterates the feel of Love. Both poems are based on death in Wars. However Brooke paints a more glamorised and less direct picture of death â€Å"if I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field†¦blest by suns of home.† This evokes the idealistic image of a perfect England in a ‘Golden' age, such as many believe existed immediately prior to the First World War. This does however expose the arrogance that Brooke perhaps had. It places too much importance on his own sacrifices and not on the general sacrifices being made by so many, and on the loss of a way of life, which the war would bring out like many other First World War poets such as ‘Edward Thomas' and ‘Charles Hamilton Sorely'. Owen on the other hand almost haunts the reader using fiery vocabulary to help depict the shocking death of a soldier â€Å"guttering, Choking, Drowning.† Owen clearly wanted to address the people at home and suggests to them that if, in their worst nightmares, they could re-live this experience, they would not keep repeating that it is good and sweet to die for your country. He is saying that no one who has witnessed these horrors could ever encourage anyone to take part in such a war. He had already pointed out the exhaustion of the soldiers â€Å"drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots† helping the reader to visualise the lack of awareness of the soldiers. This certainly will give the reader a much more negative take on the war contaray to the over-hyped propaganda war that those at home believe. Brooke conveys the image that was painted by the media in Britain at the time of the war and even in death, he believes he cannot remove that sense of pride from him and his passing will not be in vain if, at home in England people are, once again happy and at peace. He feels that by his death he will have given back to England everything, and more, that it gave to him. The happiness and security earned by his sacrifice will buy his eternal peace † this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind† Owen continues his cynicalism of the war in the last verse using necessarily harsh and wicked language â€Å"come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†. They fling the man into a wagon, because they know there is no point in being gentle- he will soon be dead anyway. The description of his face and eyes â€Å"And watch the white eyes writhing in his face† gives him a ghost-like quality. This verse is intended to demonstrate the realism of a violent, u nnecessary death; hence it builds to a crescendo of anger, before a final earnest plea to stop the lies. These two poems could be no more different. ‘The soldier' is a poem supporting the war in a way not too dissimilar to the way the media in that time promoted it whilst ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est' is a pessimistic take on a war that was conveyed by the British media as far from the truth as possible. Owen wanted the British people to know the truth about the war and expressed these feelings best in his poetry. Brooke in contrast went along with the glamorized image that had been portrayed by the media, which wasn't a fair reflection on the war.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Assignment #4 The Ragan Revolution through President Obamma Essay

Assignment #4 The Ragan Revolution through President Obamma - Essay Example One of the major historical turning points during Regan’s error is AIDs epidemic. AIDs killed millions of people during this period but the main tragedy was not the disease but the lack of enough action to control it. One of the reasons behind this situation was the belief that AID s could only be contracted by homosexuals. President Reagan was reluctant thus did not fully supportive of the disease treatment as he didn’t want to anger the Christian conservatives. The American public only came to realize the reality of the disease after a hemophiliac teenager contracted AIDS virus through blood transfusion and the public confession of Magic Johnson announcing that he too had contracted the virus. The other event was the expansion of the southern states to the western dangerous regions as well as their efforts to tame new frontiers. During this period, the wives of the army men were made to enjoy a different status. This was completely different in comparison to the woman rights during the America colonization and civil war period. The areas allowed their women to take part in civil society and voting as well as assuming the judge position. The culture of the army wives gave women equal eminence at the time of frontier expansion. As this took place in the western frontiers, the rest of the states conserved their male order societies. This situation led to the frontier women to enjoy a status that was special following the forward posts isolation pockets and the community transformation into a society during threat and danger times so as to continue existing efficiently. The end result was that the women ended up sharing the same responsibilities with the men and their system a llowed a combined authority while the eastern states stuck to their traditional culture of having the males dominate in everything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

United States Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

United States Constitution - Essay Example What are these characteristics, what causes them and how fixed is human nature are some of the questions that we face for us to be able to to understand hat human nature human nature is like. In addressing these questions about the implications of understanding humanness, it is wise to keep in mind the end results of whichever study about Human Nature. This will be necessarily be limited by the focus of the investigation and the techniques used. ( Jeeves, 1). It is good to understand what American development is before we go deep into the subject. American Political development is the study of American political growth from a historical viewpoint. And on the the hand when we talk about institution it all paints the picture of customs, practices, or organization, frequently rooted in the rules and law that defines and structures political and social activities. United States of America constitution was written in an under democratic age. Those who researched on it and documented some findings had no intention having democratic constitution. Their findings intended to check, balance and limit political powers while protecting the citizens and property right of the whites. Most critics of the U.S. Constitution find most of it vital elements of argument under democratic and call for their removal or revision (Jillson, 52). Jillson in his book about the government of America highlights some of the prominent people like Robert A. Dahl as the greatest theorist of the second half of the twentieth century. Dahl in his book, how democratic is the constitution; he levels some criticisms in elections of those holding government positions. And also Jillson second him in his allegation, a factor that leads them to break down the constitution into four principles that governs it. This principle has in them the essence of equality includes the idea of republicanism, representative government, sovereignty of the people, limited government, bills of right, tripartite separation of power, independence of the judiciary in the exercise of [power of judicial review, supremacy of the civilian over military authority and supremacy of the constitution over all the the laws of the land. Jillson summarizes this principle into four main principles as follows; The ancient world which usually means Athens and Rome thought that government should foster human excellent Medieval Christendom thought that government should facilitate Christian life Early modern Europe came to believe that should establish and maintain order and prosperity (Jillson, 5). The Ancient: Who rules and for what purpose Rome and Athens formed the centers of the greatest European societies of those old days. Athens gives the definition of human and political values as justice, openness, and excellence hat western countries still goes after them. Rome entrenched these values in political and lawful institutions as fairness before the law federalism, balances and checks that are still central to the way we think about politics. This is clear because Athens and Rome were slave societies. They prepared their vaunted right and liberties accessible only to citizens and both fell to social and political unsteadiness. Rome and Athens learned that much of the way Europeans and the American think about politics was spearheaded, by two Greek political theorists. These men are Plato and Aristotle who both lived in Athens (Jillson, 6). Aristotle had no interest in the normative

Monday, October 7, 2019

Analyzing Psychological Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analyzing Psychological Disorders - Essay Example They assert that all disorders stems primarily form learning or conditioning. The major debate that comes out of these two schools is called the ‘Nature v/s Nurture’ issue. In this work, however, I am going to take the stand of biopsychological perspective which attributes biological, psychological and social causes all to be responsible for disorders. In Part A, Schizophrenia will be analyzed in biopsychological perspective. The symptoms, causal factors and drug therapies for the disorder will also be discussed. In Part B, two other disorders, Anorexia and Anxiety will be analyzed again with the aid of biopsychological perspective and other discussions regarding their relevance to the nature-nurture issue and their treatments. While studying the symptoms of Schizophrenia, various researches have found significant difference in the structure of the brain affected by the disorder. Foremost, problems have been found in structural connectivity in the effected brains. The fluid-filled sacs that surround the brain called lateral ventricles were seen enlarged in brains with Schizophrenia. The volume of the brain is reduced and the cerebral cortex is smaller often times (Cazaban, 2003). The blood flow in frontal regions is lower and the temporal lobe is smaller. The hippocampus, amygdala and limbic system are also found to be smaller by certain researches (Cazaban, 2003). The major part of the brain affected by this disorder is the prefrontal cortex which is associated with memory that results in the disordered though. A major causal factor of Schizophrenia is described to be genetic. A number of recent studies have confirmed that this disorder can be genetically transferred. There is a strong association between the closeness of the blood relationship (i.e. level of gene sharing or consanguinity) and the risk for the disorder (Carson, Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2007 p.501). Several other twin-studies conducted also confirm that people are genetically

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Security Policy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security Policy Analysis - Essay Example Greater emphasis is also placed on personal accountability and responsibility of cyber security. Section 111(a) stipulates the supremacy of the Act in accordance with other laws relating to cyber security. According to my personal view, this section mimics the supremacy of the Constitution. It distinctly states how the Act, shall supersede very provision, statute, regulation, state rule, that expressly commands comparable cybersecurity practices developed for the purpose of protecting critical infrastructure. The policy is important in dealing with information security program management. It stipulates the structure for various agencies on now to prevent, assess and even manage cyber security risks. Additionally, it provides a network for federal agencies and other stakeholders to communicate and discuss new developments in cyber terrorism. According to Borene, every federal agency has a distinct role in policy enforcement. On a general basis, each party is tasked with being at the forefront of responsible global cyber engagement, enhancing information sharing and facilitating efforts to increase awareness, training and education to the general population (Borene, 2011). The lack of clear policy enforcements leads to cyber terrorist attacks on government agencies, loss of information and privacy and loss of billions of dollars on an annual basis. One such incident is the cyber-attack on Blue Shield and Anthem Blue Cross in February 2015. Even though no medical information was compromised, the incident breached notification laws at the state level. When technology moves faster than policy, there are many cases of financial loss and exploitation, such as the period before the establishment of the open data policy, an open source project by the U.S